Personal Trainer in Harlingen | Rio Grande Valley

Welcome to my Virtual Fitness and Nutrition Studio – based in the Rio Grande Valley

A site created to educate and share information on Fitness and Nutrition as part of a Healthy Lifestyle. I hope to demonstrate my nutrition and personal fitness training expertise.

Don’t live in RGV, or travel a lot? I’ve got you covered! You can still train with me remotely from anywhere using Skype and FaceTime. All you need is a webcam or an ipad or smart phone.

Workout in ANY weather


In Austin, where most of you are, it’s probably rain or cold or cold rain, versus snow stopping you from going out. The purpose of this short and sweet blog post is to ask you to not let the weather stop you from outdoor (or indoor; away from home) exercise time. Doing it; just bundling up property and doing it, is half the battle. Rarely, if ever, have you done it, and come back home and said “I wish I hadn’t done that”. I bet a few of you who just saw me yesterday, for an outside workout, felt great afterwards. 

So, like the postman, through rain, sleet and snow..get out there!!!! 
You’ll thank me later!! ;-)

When to Replace Workout Shoes

Walking or running in old, worn out shoes can lead to an increase in injury. Over time, they lose their stability, cushion and tread. When asked how often to change, I usually say, being realistic, around 500 miles, plus or minus. When you hit that target of 500 miles depends on how often you wear them, where you wear them, your body weight, walking or jogging, the surface you’re on, and so on. 

So, to keep it simple, estimate your weekly mileage and do the math.  You may be able to milk that pair for a year; if you’re a high mile person, (25 miles or more a week) maybe you’ll need new shoes after 2-3 months. 
Since most of you are not experts in shoe wear and tear, I say go by how they feel. Go by how your feet feel. An easy and important way is to look at the tread wear. If they have worn or bald spots, or lean sideways or forward or backward – it’s time for a new pair. If you are not sure what kind to buy (there are so many) just ask me. . .I’m happy to guide you to the appropriate shoe for you!
Keep your feet happy!

Cholesterol: One size fits all – NOT!

See my “thumbs up” on my Cholesterol results! Here is why:


I had mine checked (part of the annual tuneup) and was very enlightened. I say “one size doesn’t fit all” since there are guidelines, absolutes, and gray area in between.  I bet you’ve been told by your physician to have total cholesterol under 200; HDL (the good) and LDL (the bad) combined, to be healthy. Right? I’m 217. “What?” you say! Not you, Margo, oh fit and lean trainer who eats well! I’m coughing up my personal numbers to you all, here and now, to show you how things are not always as they seem  – based on the “mean” – the population as a whole, further proving to you one size does not fit all!  Your MD may not be an expert in this area, (all due respect) even though you think they “should” be. Your ratio is also important, which is calculated with HDL, LDL and TGL, the latter meaning Triglycerides, the fat in your blood. 

This is where one size doesn’t fit all when looking at the total numbers, and not considering ratios.  Under 200 is great, a goal, yet…see me smiling at my results here  (blurred on purpose to hide private info)!   I’m in thefantastic range, even though, yes, my total cholesterol is over 200. Read below to see why.  When you get your cholesterol checked and don’t understand the numbers, demand an explanation. Ask for a copy and ask for your ratios. They matter. See below:
  • LDL should be low. Your LDL goal depends on your risk of heart attack and stroke. A very high risk goal may be less then 70.  High risk goal is less then 100. If you are at moderate risk your goal is to have LDL below 130. (Most MD’s will say below 100, that ‘general’ number again).
  • HDL should be high. A good HDL goal is 40 or higher. Over 60 helps protect against a heart attack. Below 40 is known to increase your risk of  heart problems. A high HDL number can offset a high LDL number. 
  • TGL should be less than 150. A level above 150 may increase your risk for heart problems.
ME: LDL: 119 (130 under okay)  HDL:  98 (above 40 good)   TGL:  48 (below 150 best) 
As you can see, my HDL is extremely good . My TGL, off the charts good, LDL still good. Even with these fabulous numbers, my total HDL & LDL is above the “textbook” 200. This is where you need to look at RATIOS as well: 
  • A ratio below 4 as general rule, is good 
  • A ratio below 3.5 as general rule is very good
  • A ratio below 3.0 is excellent
  • A ratio between 2.4 and 2.8 can actually cause a reversal of heart disease
My Ratio: 2.32 – even though, at face value, I’m over 200, the proverbial nirvana number. This is why I’m educating you here and now, things are not always as they seem, following ‘charts’ without further exploration and your ratio. Your test results will have your ratio. 
What causes high cholesterol?
  1. Diet. Eating too much saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol, can raise your cholesterol. These are found in animal foods, such as meats, whole milk, egg yolks, butter, and cheese. Also many packaged/prepared foods, especially snack foods like cookies, crackers, chips.
  2. Weight. Being overweight may raise triglycerides and lower HDL, the good stuff.
  3. Activity.  NOT exercising may raise LDL, the bad stuff AND lower HDL the good stuff.
  4. Smoking may lower HDL, the good stuff, and that one, as I’ve said, you don’t want lowered.
  5. The unavoidable family history or genetic predisposition. You probably know who you are, and fortunately there are safe medications that help those of you affected.
I hope you find this information educational, enlightening, helpful, and most of all, an excuse to go get tested if you have not done so. 
Have a healthy, HDL raising week,

Exercise Equipment Collecting Dust

So, does your fitness equipment look like this below? Alright, it’s Chloe my dog sunning, but you get the gist. If you have a treadmill or bike or fitness ball, or dumbells collecting dust, being used to hold clothes, or beds for pets, its time to Spring clean and dust it off, and inquire with me what to do next with it! If you like it, let’s get you using it; if you don’t like it, let’s get you some money for it!


It’s that time, Don’t Buy it!

Starting right about now, television infomercials and shopping channels start the big push for exercise equipment. I’ve spoken on this subject in a prior blog, about IMPULSE buying, and it’s worth a reminder. These ads are so compelling and seductive. Just this morning I saw one by a company, with heart breaking stories of family in Iraq, depressed women at amusement parks with kids, all designed to get you to believe this object they are selling will change your being in these situations and your life as a whole.

DON’T SUCKER IN! No single piece of anything, no board, no ball, no rope or bar, will shrink your body 5 sizes without calorie reduction, via nutrition or added significant exercise and cardio movement on your part.
Many of these are fun, and yes, will offer muscle toning benefit. Just think first. Ask yours truly first, and don’t believe there is any one magic toy like these commercials show.
It ain’t rocket science, everyone. It’s determination, motivation, and as I say, lifestyle changes that stick!  Let me guide and help you if there is something you see that you think will work for you, before you leap and buy. I love my toys here in my studio as you know, BUT, they are in addition to LIFESTYLE changes you make, and other work we do as  team to motivate and get you to where you want to be and stay.
Now get out there and use your legs and body to walk, jog, take dog round the block, push the stroller, etc. Everyday. ;-)
bowflex exercise equipment

Evening Outdoor Exercise

No more “it’s too dark too early” to go walk or jog or push the stroller or hit the park trail. 

Daylight savings time starts THIS WEEKEND!!!!
Happy evenings!!!!

The Health Prescription

As you know, I’m all about Lifestyle changes and not quick fixes. I’m for regular (annual) checkups for men & women. On that note, I have to share something I received during my own annual checkup this last week.  It seems so elementary on most levels to me, yet that’s because it’s my world; what I eat, sleep and breathe. Take the time to read this. I’m paraphrasing much of it (so you’ll read it) and feel free to pass it on to those you care about. 

The Health Prescription
The right foods will help you live a longer, healthier life. Diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure CAN be controlled or prevented through a healthy diet. Sugar/salt in moderation.
Obesity IS preventable and a high risk factor for many medical problems including those just mentioned. 
All kinds of exercise will help you feel better and maintain a healthy weight, control blood pressure, reduce and control stress, & strengthen muscles and bones. 30 Minutes, 7 days a week. Yes! Everyday, optimally.  It can be housework to walking, and/or include seeing yours truly. ;-)
If you smoke, quit. You can succeed – and live a longer healthier life. It’s the best thing you can do.
ALCOHOL       (I was just going to blog on this one)
If you drink alcohol, do so only in moderation, 1 daily women, 2 for men. I’ll stop there. 
There are many other tips, but these are the ones relevant to my relationship with you all. With Spring comes ideas of outdoors, less clothing, and so on, and I’d rather you see the big picture of lifestyle/health changes now, and for the long haul, versus any quick fix for bathing suit season. 
More soon….and Happy March everyone,

Just Eat it (if you really want it)

I’ve posted on logging what you eat, what to not do while eating, and about not “eating your workout” (that one is worth a reminder read….that insidious, unconscious habit we have of eating more then normal ‘cuz we worked out’). 

This post is about what TO eat for a change, yippee!!!  Sort of. I should have titled this post “filling the void”. 
In a nutshell, many of you will want, say, a Hershey bar. BUT…to stop yourself from having that bar, you will eat extra chicken, an apple, perhaps a handful of nuts, sugar free pudding, and other ‘healthy’ whatever to fill the void of the candy bar you really want!  In the meantime, you’ve ingested 1000 calories of so-called “healthy” food, when you should have just “filled the void” and had the 300 calorie candy bar. 
Is this a get out jail free card?  A pass to do this all the time? No. But I’ll tell you what. If you feel deprived for whatever reason, and want that THING..whatever it is, I suggest you have it, and get right back on track the next meal, the next day, do a little extra cardio, stay on plan. The ‘thing” isn’t fatal. What is fatal, is eating 3 times the calories to try to fill up, when it wasn’t the the full stomach you wanted. It was the “thing”. Having even a little bit of the ‘thing’ will do the trick.  Instead of a whole muffin? Half. On that note, buy your “thing” in SMALL quantities, and/or keep it out of sight. 
I’m a pro at buying one pastry, taking a few bites, and tossing the rest. Why? I got my enjoyment out of it. Why force the whole thing down and feel awful, right? Hey, it takes practice, but the way you feel later? SO worth it. 
Moderation, not deprivation…
Always here for you all,

When Should I Exercise?

The answer to the question, what is the best time to workout?

If you know you’re a morning person, or evening person, then that of course is the time you will gravitate toward. If, however, as a morning person you were unable to exercise that morning for whatever reason, then for goodness sakes..step out of that comfort zone…outside the box as they say, and try an afternoon or early eve exercise session instead. You may not like it; it might feel really strange, but the the next day (if not that evening) you’ll go “wow, I’m glad I did that!”
Yes, the same goes for you later day workout people. You know ahead you have an afternoon conflict, and you could go that morning instead, right?  The thought is just absurd to you…but do this. Try it once. I promise you going in the morning, as awful as that may seem to you, will beat the alternative of skipping it altogether. 

Body Mass Index (BMI) vs Body Fat Measurements

Determining your Body Mass Index (BMI) has never been easier. It is the measure of your weight in relationship to your height. The following URL makes it very easy to calculate your BMI. This website (just one of many) has useful information about BMI, and also suggests one of my favs; your waist measurement. BMI numbers are very general, and take nothing into account but your height to weight ratio. The higher your BMI, the higher your risk, so your BMI is still useful and helpful as broad overall indicator of health.
This will lead to the question about body FAT percentages.  There are many methods to measure body fat.  The most readily available ones have a significant error rate up to 8%!  This is why I am not a fan.  I prefer the tape measure myself with BMI as an indicator. 
That said, whatever your method, here are body fat percentages for men and women:  (You want to be in a range….not hold a specific exact number!) 
                                             Women                              Men
Athletes:                               14-20%                         6-13%
Fitness:                                21-24%                          14-17%
Acceptable:                         25-31%                          18-25%
Obese:                                  32%+                               25%+

Eating While (fill in the blank)

If you are reading this and want to watch your weight (not gain weight), lose weight (which I’m surmising is several of you) or just enjoy mealtime more (all of you) it is time to break a habit.  The best way to break a habit that isn’t working for you, is to replace it with a new one, that will work for you. 

Habit of the day: Eating while watching television. Eating while driving.  Eating while reading. Eating while working on the computer. 
All these fall into unconscious calorie consumption or “amnesia eating” as per a previous blog post worth reading again. 
When you are doing something else while eating, you are not paying attention then to the eating experience. You are merely filling your belly, and not really experience the texture of the food, the eye appeal of the food, the taste or texture. Not only will the meal or snack be WAY less satisfying, you will not be paying attention to your actual appetite. It becomes merely the task at hand.
This void created by not EXPERIENCING the snack or meal, is what causes that deprived feeling, making you want to eat more, and also contributes to unnecessary and excess calorie consumption. 
To start enjoying the experience of eating, which is more satisfying to your eyes, palate, brain, stomach and choices, stop multitasking. Turn on the radio, enjoy dinner with friends and family, and kill the television and computer to start noticing another habit change that results in gradual, permanent weight loss.
I’ve been there done that,
Your Austin Trainer,

Vitamin Waters

These new “vitamin waters” that come in many brand names and variations are an example, to me, of diabolically brilliant marketing. The marketing message is about health, when in reality, these are anything but healthy.  They are often loaded with sugar and flavoring, and contain 100 calories per bottle.  Just take a multivitamin! Furthermore, these waters don’t quench your thirst with those ingredients….they often make your thirst worse. 

Because its “just liquid” it may seem innocuous, so here is math: 
100 calories per day per  bottle
700 calories per week
2800 calories per month:  EQUATES TO:   9.6 pound per year!!!!!!
Drink water, club soda, and behind that, diet soda. At least you won’t wonder how 10 lbs crept on you in 2009. If you have been drinking this or, forbid…regular soda every day, do the math: By just eliminating those calories, you would be 10 pounds (or more) lighter a year from now.

Sleep Loss & Weight Gain

There are many articles on the web on this subject, and one I am all too familiar with as many of you know. Sleep..or lack thereof, and the impact this has on your weight. 

Not getting sufficient sleep affects your fat burning ability, your hormones, your basic metabolic rate, your brain function, skin, and on and on. 
I want you to google any variation of : “sleep loss and weight gain”, “How Sleep Loss effects Body Weight” and you will find hundreds of links on the subject with medical validation. 
Moral of the story? Help your health,  and your body weight, and get proper sleep. You will feel and see a difference.  
As many of you know, I am (was) a professional insomniac until about month ago, and without trying, or thinking about it, I have noticed a reduction in my appetite and body weight from finally sleeping 8 hours for the first time in my life!  
Your Austin (now sleeping) Trainer,

Walk your Dog

Many people tend to think exercise comes in one form only, meaning painful, dripping sweat and ending up thoroughly exhausted or it wasn’t “exercise”.  NOT TRUE!  Inasmuch as I love for my clients to break sweats and end up blotto, it is not this kind of exercise that is required for everyday well being. 

One of my personal favorites, and one I preach all the time, is to walk  your dog. How wonderful for your pet to get needed exercise and let out some pent up stress. I have often been the voice of the pet to a client or two, asking you – ‘guilting’ you – into taking your pet out for a walk. So many of you reading this have a pet that should be walked, every single day, twice a day (yes! TWICE a day) and you find reasons not to do this. 
This walking benefits you in ways to many to list here, not the least of them heart health and calorie burning. Just like your dog wants you to throw the ball to him/her, your BODY want you to to “throw the ball to it”.  If your body had a voice, it would ask you to move it.  
Your dog doesn’t have a voice either, so if not for you…do it for your pet. No matter the breed or size, your dog loves, wants and NEEDS for you to walk it. Just like your body. Make it a win-win.  
Just do it. 
No excuses. 
Your pet will thank you and your body will thank you. 
Your pet loving trainer,

Food Journal

Ugh, I know. It seems like such a pain. If you want to lose 50 pounds or more that you’ve held onto for years, or those 10 pounds that crept on during the holidays, your chances will go up exponentially if you start a daily food journal. This goes hand in hand with my blog post on amnesia eating.

You will become completely conscious of your food choices and notice an immediate change in your behavior.  My most successful weight loss clients and friends will do this. 
Along with this journal (more detail on this later) is having healthy foods available to choose from! Planning ahead and going to the grocery store will set you up for success. 
Personal Trainer Austin

Austin’s Fitness Gem (besides me)

We are so lucky here in Austin to have this gem known as Town Lake, er, I know, I know, Lady Bird Lake. Sorry…I still call it Town Lake. 

By any name, it is still fabulous. If you have not been, GO. You all know where it is. You may not all know WHAT it is. It’s a walking trail, a strolling trail, a trail with baby strollers, side by side with hard core runners. A trail with fitness walkers and women chatting about, well, name it. 
A place to go alone, with a friend, or with your kids to feed the ducks.  There is plenty of parking and, last but not least, a place to take your dog. Your dog will thank you.
In the perfect world, you will go, and love it so much you take your dog time and time again, your husband, your partner, your girlfriend..or alone. 
Its fitness and peace and stress reduction all in one. Go. Now. It’s beckoning you. Ask me to go with you. I will, and you will thank me later. Its the best way to fitness into your life joyfully. Trust me on this one. ;-)
Warm regards,

Fat Free Foods

When you see Fat Free on a label is that a good thing? Depends. 

For the most part, I would prefer you buy the real deal. That is, buy the regular versus the fat free alternative. Why? The fat free alternative in the vast majority of cases just as more sugar. Less FAT, yes, but more sugar, or something sweet, to make it taste good.  Fat is NOT the enemy causing you to crave….it’s the sugar. I could go on and on here and explain in detail, but for purposes of your next grocery trip: go ‘regular’ when the alternative is the same product you always purchased, only now made “new” by making it “low fat”. 
This is not hard and fast…there are many exceptions I will go into later on “light” “low calorie”, etc. For now, just pay attention to the label,  note the carb/sugar grams, and you may be surprised to see how much sugar is the new low or no fat version. 
Happy shopping!

Out of Sight

No, I’m not quoting from the old television  show The Mod Squad (you have to be at least 35 to get that reference). The complete quote is:

  Out of Sight Out of Mind  (or Out of Sight, Out of MOUTH)

Yes, if you don’t buy junk food, you won’t consume junk food. If you do happen to have a cake, or bag of candy laying around for whatever reason, PUT IT IN THE CUPBOARD!!! 
You will be WAY less likely to graze on the item in question if it is tucked away, versus on the counter in plain view, beckoning your name every time you cruise by. 
My suggestion if you must buy something to have that’s “junk” (which is okay if you know my program) buy it in SMALL quantity. Individual servings. One packet. One slice. ENJOY!  
Just this one habit change alone, can have significant impact on weight loss and well being.
Happy Friday,


Thought that title might get your attention!

So, I’m doing a bonus blog today….short and sweet. I just saw this on Good Morning America and HOPED many of you saw it as well. If not, GMA shows segments on their website, and this one to see. The visual alone (that I should do with you all) was this:
They poured wine into a glass and showed he calorie difference from filling to where it ‘should’ be filled, as opposed to where one tends to fill it. 
That calorie difference, PER GLASS is (very) significant. 
Drink water with your wine
Sip your wine. Gulp the water…. ;-)

Check your Shoe Tread

Yes, just like the tires on your vehicle, you need to check your athletic shoes for wear and tear. Wearing older, worn out, and/or bald shoes can lead to foot, calf, hamstring and low back problems. Wearing a proper cushy shoe can help with those existing issues as well. 

So, short and sweet: Go check the tread on your shoes. Its the FIRST obvious indication you are due for a new pair. 
Happy & Healthy walking,

Where to Walk

Whether you are starting (or re-starting)  your outdoor walking or jogging, I want to remind you all where NOT to do this: on cement. As in the sidewalk. Use the street whenever it is safe to do so, and walk against the traffic. 

Without going into the plethora of foot, calf, hamstring and back issues many of you have had or currently have, suffice it to say, walking on cement will only worsen them. 
Town Lake is great as they have the softer leafy, slightly forgiving trail. Walking paths on most greenbelts and preserve trails, even with their irregular surface, are better for you.  
I strongly suggest you walk on the asphalt, and if feasible, the grassy edge along the sidewalk, versus the sidewalk (if its even-surfaced). Try going from the sidewalk to the street and you’ll feel an immediate difference. 
Ten minutes a day or an hour, or an hour broken in to six 10 minute segments; it matters not. To reduce injury and impact of cement….stay on the street. Yes, this professional personal trainer, is saying “go play in the street”. haha Just be safe about it!
Happy January,

Avoid “Eating your Workout”

In a nutshell I mean do not consume extra calories because you spent (extra) time exercising.

Many people decide to start a program in January, or increase the number of workouts they do per week, or increase the intensity and/or duration of each workout. That in itself is great. One also expects to see fat loss as a result of this, right? You certainly don’t expect to gain weight, right? This “unconscious” weight gain occurs more commonly then you may think…from increasing workouts and increasing body fat along with it.  WHY? 
After doing the extra days per week, or better, harder, longer or faster workouts, all too often you will eat more (“since I worked out so hard”). 
The net result? Because you exercised more then usual, you will all too easily EAT more then usual. And..those extra calories “because I worked out extra” usually exceed the number of extra calories you burned during that additional, harder, faster and longer workout. 
Moral of the story? Do more workouts, yes; harder, faster, better, longer – that’s great! Then….EAT THE SAME CALORIES AS BEFORE (or less) and you will notice a decrease in body fat as well. 
Happy January,

Impulse Equipment Purchases

We all see them, especially this particular week just before New Year’s Day. Shopping channels and infomercials persuading you; tempting and convincing you that the contraption on screen is exactly what you need to get you to look just like the person demonstrating it. Not!

Don’t do it! I’m not saying they’re ALL crapola and that all of them never work. I’m saying most of them are crapola, and most will end up being dust collectors. I’m all for contributing to the economy right now. Just do not contribute in this manner, as you will see very little return for your investment. 
Ask me first. Many of you know I’m all for using apparatus for fun, effectiveness, and to keep things challenging and interesting. I’m a fitness professional, and use these things in YOUR best interest. The stuff you see on television may not be the right fitness equipment for you, as inexpensive, appealing and convincing the advertisement may seem.  
Start with making lifestyle changes without purchasing unnecessary fitness equipment. Take a brisk walk, ride that bike hidden behind the boxes in garage, and quit fast food meals.  Do these things instead of impulse buys from fake commercials.  
Happy and Healthy 2009 to you all!

All or None Mentality

Now is a good time to make this point about brisk exercise, since it’s the time of year I hear “I don’t have time” the most. I’m speaking more to cardio in this post, aka fat burning & aerobic “steady state” movement. I call it “breaking a sweat” time. 
All or none mentality means: Completely bagging breaking a sweat if you decide you don’t have time for your planned 20-30 minutes. This thinking has to stop!
NEW FLASH! Rather then bag it entirely, do TEN MINUTES. YES! It IS valuable. It adds up, 1o minutes here, 12 minutes there, by the time the week is over, look at what you did! The alternative was ZERO.  
These mini sessions of 10 minutes will have a positive mental & physical affect on you. One that you may not even be consciously aware of.  It will motivate you to be more food conscious (sound familiar) to feel better about yourself, and motivate you for the next 10 minutes (don’t say “just 10?”) versus you skipping it entirely because you just couldn’t make the 20 or 30. 
Start to change that all or none mentality. Think instead: “BOY, I’M GLAD I DID THAT 10 MINUTES… felt great.” Versus feeling badly that you skipped it. Feel good about what you DID do!  It’s 10 minutes that will add onto the next 10, and so on.  Eventually you will make time ;-) and go for that 20 or 30.

Liquid Calories – 100 Calories DAY = 10.5 lbs year

Yes: 100 calories PER DAY more then you need equals = 10.5 POUNDS A YEAR

So, knock OFF 100 calories and day, and get the drift?

I know, this really hits a button with many of you, and I’ve talked on it quite a bit. I realize during the holidays, consumption of liquid calories can go up exponentially.  This is not just in the form of alcohol, either. Eggnog (num), punches, soft drinks, extra cold-weather visits to S-bucks, and the like. 

In January when you notice holiday weight gain, it is often damage from these above, not food. If you want to better ensure you don’t add to your body weight, plan a bit ahead.  When you know you are going to imbibe that day or hitting a party that night…I’m not saying don’t enjoy – just CUT BACK on food calories somewhat that day, and the next day, to offset the liquid calories. Move a little more (yes, exercise) more that day and the next. 
I could list the calorie numbers here that seem so innocent; a couple glasses of wine, a margarita, a rum and coke (even diet coke) and it just might bum you out to see how much it adds up to.  The good news? Knocking off that extra glass of wine, beer, margarita or soft drink can have a major impact the other way!!!! Over a few weeks time of cutting back, you could easily see a weight loss, since these liquid calories really add up. Take half away? Watch what happens – let alone topping that with healthier eating and regular exercise. Voila!

Cease Amnesia Eating

So, the title here might seem extreme at first glance. Amnesia, you say? Yes. Ask yourself this: What did I eat yesterday. If its evening when you see this, can you even remember what you ate today? If you cannot, even if you try to recall, that is amnesia eating. Eating while watching tv, and suddenly, the plate, (or worse the bag) is empty, but you don’t even remember eating it all. THAT is amnesia eating. If you are having difficulty losing those extra pounds – I suggest you cease ‘amnesia eating’ and become CONSCIOUS. I don’t just mean awake. I mean really paying attention to what you are eating. Its too easy to pass that coworkers desk and dip into their candy jar. Its too easy (those with young children listen up) to finish what your child didn’t and just eat it..”it’s just a bite or two, no big deal”…right? Wrong! Think about what all that adds up to, and you would be shocked.  Become CONSCIOUS. Ever go poke in the fridge just because…snitch a little bite without a second of thought? Its not even on your daily calorie radar. 

All this auto-eating…this amnesia eating, per day, let alone per week, or a month (especially during holidays!!) adds up to calories and weight ON. One day you say to yourself “how did this happen?” Most likely you tuned out – and started amnesia eating. I’m not saying it’s easy to face it. BUT..putting that spotlight on all the things you snack on, here and there, make you very aware of how the weight got on, and continues to stay on.  Its not rocket science. That’s the good news. Its an easy, easy fix. 
Starting now, think twice. Become conscious; stop amnesia eating, and you may very well notice weight loss effortlessly.  

Why New Year’s Resolutions Fail

Every year, it never fails, people will make that proverbial resolution to exercise and eat right come January 1st. One of the main reasons this fails, if not THE reason, is this: The moment someone doesn’t follow their ‘plan’ EXACTLY, they feel like they failed and stop.  Progress is not measured by that day only..or that meal only.  Men and women alike, young and old, slim and not so slim, believe if they ‘fall off the wagon’ for just a moment in time, after starting that New Year’s Program, then they failed altogether.  NOTHING IS FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH.

If you enter a new program, on January 1st or 12th…it doesn’t matter.  It is a setup for failure and feeling badly, to put some unnecessary, unrealistic expectation on yourself that you blew the whole program just because  you skipped one day or one week of exercise, or indulged eating badly for one day or one week.  It’s about progress…not perfection.  Enter your program taking it one day at a time, and give yourself points for what you DID do on plan, not what you missed. Give yourself credit for recognizing the changes you are making in your eating plan, instead of beating yourself up for that day’s splurge.  One meal, one day, is not a program failed. It does not destroy all the changes and hard work  you did up to that point. Its just that one day…as badly as you may feel. You didn’t fail your resolution.  Allow your resolution to include time for old habits to change to newer healthier ones…and you will STILL see progress in fitness and weight loss. 
Remember: its those quick fixes that do not last. Lifestyle changes and thinking progress versus perfection work long term. 

Have a ball

fitness ball

Okay, so the second you read that title, I’m sure you knew what was coming. I love the fitness ball, also known as a stability ball, balance ball, swiss ball and exercise ball. Same thing, different name. There are such a wide range of exercises that this ball can be used for, I won’t bore you with them. Just know that I endorse this items as part of your fitness lifestyle plan. If you’ve met with me (which most if not all of you have) you already know the variety of ways in which to use this item. It’s low cost, low maintenance, fun and easy to use. If you’re not sure which size or style to get (I favor one particular brand) please contact me directly.

Warm regards and Happy Upcoming Holiday to you all,
