Personal Trainer in Harlingen | Rio Grande Valley

Workout in ANY weather

In Austin, where most of you are, it’s probably rain or cold or cold rain, versus snow stopping you from going out. The purpose of this short and sweet blog post is to ask you to not let the weather stop you from outdoor (or indoor; away from home) exercise...

When to Replace Workout Shoes

Walking or running in old, worn out shoes can lead to an increase in injury. Over time, they lose their stability, cushion and tread. When asked how often to change, I usually say, being realistic, around 500 miles, plus or minus. When you hit that target of 500 miles...

The Health Prescription

As you know, I’m all about Lifestyle changes and not quick fixes. I’m for regular (annual) checkups for men & women. On that note, I have to share something I received during my own annual checkup this last week.  It seems so elementary on most levels...

Body Mass Index (BMI) vs Body Fat Measurements

Determining your Body Mass Index (BMI) has never been easier. It is the measure of your weight in relationship to your height. The following URL makes it very easy to calculate your BMI. This website (just one of many) has useful information about BMI, and also...

Vitamin Waters

These new “vitamin waters” that come in many brand names and variations are an example, to me, of diabolically brilliant marketing. The marketing message is about health, when in reality, these are anything but healthy.  They are often loaded with sugar...

Walk your Dog

Many people tend to think exercise comes in one form only, meaning painful, dripping sweat and ending up thoroughly exhausted or it wasn’t “exercise”.  NOT TRUE!  Inasmuch as I love for my clients to break sweats and end up blotto, it is not this...