Personal Trainer in Harlingen | Rio Grande Valley

At Home Workout Arms & Legs

Workout your arms and legs at the same time. You will feel this one! Work Arms and Legs Show video Take care,...

At Home Workout using Yoga Blocks

Many of you have yoga blocks, but don’t “do” yoga. Here are other great ways to use them. Yoga Blocks Show video Take care,...

At Home or Gym Back Workout

Here’s a quick workout demonstrating working out your back muscles using a band or dumbbells. Toning Back Muscles Show video Take care,...

Cauliflower Pizza Crust

Make your own at home with this simple recipe. Microwave frozen riced cauliflower Press water out Mix 2 cups with 4 oz feta One egg 400 for 20+ minutes and add topping of...

At Home Workout Segment

Workout your legs, core arms and also get a good cardio hit. Lunge Dumbell Show video Take Care,...

Easy Low Carb Meal

Buy premade salads and grill chicken or fish and put on top. Most grocery stores have these salads put together for...