Personal Trainer in Harlingen | Rio Grande Valley

Vitamins – Facts & Myths

Over the years many of my clients have asked about what vitamin supplements to take. Many have come to me with a litany of things they take in pill form from one multi-vitamin to up to 15 or more pills and capsules per day! Chances are someone they know distributed...

Zone Bars as Snack or Quick Meal

When it’s time for a snack between meals (or quick fix if you missed a meal) it may not be convenient or easy if you’re on the run, to put your hands on a piece of fresh fruit, or grab a handful of nuts. That’s where Zone Perfect bars come in handy....

BOSU Fitness

One of my favorite pieces of equipment is the BOSU, which means Both Sides Up, or Both Sides Utilized. There are probably a hundred or more ways to use this thing if you’re really clever. I like how it challenges stability while standing, laying or sitting on...

Eating Breakfast

If you are acquainted with me, then you’ve heard from me how important a proper breakfast is. A donut? Not! Missing all together? Not good either.  Skipping the most important meal of  your day starts you off on the wrong foot on so many levels. Having a proper...

De-Stress by Elevating Your Legs and Feet

Kick your feet up, literally. Take 5. Granted if you work in an office this is harder to do on the floor, haha. Often times I just need to take a few minutes and get off of – and elevate – my feet. If you sit at a desk, or stand all day, you certainly know...

No such thing as Bad Weather . .

…only bad clothing. I’ve said this in a previous post about cold and rainy weather, so today, given the Austin climate du jour, I’ll address hot weather.  Barring any particular health issue precluding you from exercising outside, I say never let the...