Personal Trainer in Harlingen | Rio Grande Valley

Crispy “breaded” Chicken Tenders

I’m not a professional, so I post photos of my REAL dishes. I don’t feel like I can achieve the beauty or perfection of professional foods shots, so here is the real deal. Ingredients: Pieces of chicken, turkey, fish of choice Oat Bran Seasonings to taste...

Eating & Nutrition – Protein & Veggie Omelet

Who needs bread or starch to derail weight loss when you can eat like this. Cruise phase Dukan, as well. Eggs or egg beaters works. I tossed leftover broccoli florets, cut up green onion, a few cherry tomatoes into not stick skillet. Let them heat up, poured in eggs,...

Eating, Nutrition & Weight Loss

I just discovered by accident this brand FAGE. I was a Chobani girl but this Fage PLAIN is good enough to eat without putting anything into it!!! You Dukaners will LOVE love this brand. It costs slightly more, but is oh so worth...

Crusted Salmon Bake (works with any protein)

I used salmon this time, but this recipe works with ANY fish or chicken or pork. INGREDIENTS: OAT BRAN Weight Watchers Low Fat Shredded Mexican Cheese Blend EGG, 2 whole, or quarter or so cup of egg beaters, or just whites. Salt & Pepper and any other dry spice...