Personal Trainer in Harlingen | Rio Grande Valley

I’m not a professional, so I post photos of my REAL dishes. I don’t feel like I can achieve the beauty or perfection of professional foods shots, so here is the real deal.

Pieces of chicken, turkey, fish of choice
Oat Bran
Seasonings to taste
Egg or Egg Beaters
Optional low or non fat shredded cheese
Optional dollop of fat free sour cream to garnish

Preheat oven 350. Cook to taste, approx 30 min, flipping optional halfway thru.

Put dry ingredients in one bowl, eggs in another, and cover piece by piece the protein in egg wash, then toss in bowl of dry ingredients and lay on foil or parchment paper (spray with pam to avoid sticking).

Cook till done or crispy to your liking, adding cheese last few minutes.

Crispy Oat Bran Tenders
Right out of Oven
