I used salmon this time, but this recipe works with ANY fish or chicken or pork.
Weight Watchers Low Fat Shredded Mexican Cheese Blend
EGG, 2 whole, or quarter or so cup of egg beaters, or just whites.
Salt & Pepper and any other dry spice you like
Fish, in this case
Mix the dry ingredients, beat eggs, toss in fish,
Then toss into the dry mix and thoroughly smush down and cover
Flip on to baking sheet (I also smushed a bit more on at this time to make it thicker)
Bake 350 (or to your liking) for 20 minutes
UP temp to BROIL for last few minutes to brown the crust. It will be crunchy and protein will be MOIST!!!!

No added fat or sugar!

Crispy Crusted Salmon with Moist Center!