Personal Trainer in Harlingen | Rio Grande Valley

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-06

I uploaded a @YouTube video Fit-Quick: Straddle/Arms/Weights # FitQuick Weight Gain Warning: Just ONE avg. serving of Activia for "regularity" = 10lbs a year. Subtract 100 calories elsewhere! # FitQuick Tip: Heart and Digestive wellness...

Seductive Exercise Commercials

It’s that time of year; the big push to buy equipment and DVD’s. Do not be suckered in. Do you already have equipment collecting dust, or worse yet, never opened? Impulse buys are what infomercials rely on this time of year. HEALTHY sustained weight loss...

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-03-30

HAPPY SPRING! Shorts/Tank Tops soon. Start Fitness/Nutrition LIVE on-line via FaceTime/Skype or in person. # FitQuick Exercise Tip: It's not about how heavy or how many – Quality trumps Quantity. Practice good and safe form....


One set of dumbbells is all you need, 3, 5, 8 or 10’s. I wouldn’t go heavier then 10lbs. Note: Sit back on heels, lean over while squatting, keeping proper back alignment as I demonstrate; keep arms at  your sides – key to adding the intensity....


Challenge your core and strengthen your abs using a BOSU for your abdominal routine. Once you can balance in this position, alternate extending your legs out with your hands at your ears for added...

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-03-23

Personal Training and Weight Loss Sessions via FaceTime with your Apple device! # I uploaded a @YouTube video FitQuick: Weight Ball Push Plank...