Personal Trainer in Harlingen | Rio Grande Valley

Body Toning Segment – Legs, Core, Arms

Tone your thighs, arms, core and burn calories with this short effective segment! [videojs mp4=”″ ogg=””...

Lower Ab Toning (Without Hurting your Back)

Target your lower abs (but it really gets them all) laying on the floor doing my weighted reverse crunches. Great for protecting your back. [videojs mp4=”″...

Nutrition & Weight Loss

Dukan and Weight Watchers friendly: Grilled salmon with pesto garnish and roasted pepper...

Wednesday Workout: Step Cardio Tone

Using a stair stepper (if you have one, if not, just stand and do it it works, too) follow along and get a good cardio, leg, and core workout. [videojs mp4=”″...