Personal Trainer in Harlingen | Rio Grande Valley

Body Toning: no weights required

No weights required: Quick effective body toning, hits your legs, abs, arms and cardio all at once, in a minute! [videojs mp4=”″...

Side to Side Lunge

No equipment needed to get started with a leg toning cardio segment that is low impact. [videojs mp4=”″...

Workout for Legs & Arms “Cheerleaders”

This segment I call cheerleaders, named that for the straight, flexed and engaged arm movement you do throughout. You will get a leg workout AND an arm workout. Don’t rest much between sets and you will feel thighs, biceps and triceps burning. [videojs...

Weighted Ball Toss Balance

Challenge your balance balancing on one leg while tossing a weight ball hand to hand. Fun to do! [videojs mp4=”″...

Legs, Arms, Cardio Video – 2 minutes!

Tone legs and arms using one set of dumbbells while standing in place. You’ll feel your heart climb at same time. [videojs mp4=”″...