Personal Trainer in Harlingen | Rio Grande Valley

BOSU pushup & abs combo

Using the BOSU upside down (flat side up!) here is a pushup and ab combo. It will cook your chest arms and core. Do your best to keep the BOSU steady and level. [videojs mp4=”″...

Planks – a new way

Here’s a variation on Plank that will make it less boring, and more challenging on your core and arms. I call them “clocks” for obvious reasons when you see the video. [videojs mp4=”″...

Full Body Workout – Crawl Variation

Super fun “Crawl” variations of the usual bear and crab moves, with an added flip-over. [videojs mp4=”″...

Abs on the Floor “Morse Codes”

I call these challenging abs I made up “morse codes” as you tap your foot LIGHTLY on the floor while executing the other part and it adds a super intensity to the core work. My clients moan, so I know they work. haha [videojs...

Tone your Butt standing in Place

Tone your butt while standing in place. Done correctly, you will really feel the isolation in your glutes on this one! [videojs mp4=”″...

Leg Toning Video in a Minute

Totally feel your standing leg cook as you do my Zig Zags tapping in front! They work as good as my zig zags from behind.. Quick and effective way to feel your legs cook and heart rate rise. [videojs...