Personal Trainer in Harlingen | Rio Grande Valley

Challenging Plank for abs, arms, shoulders and glutes

This segment is the advanced version of the plank in the modified position previously published.  Keep your back nice and straight; raise your leg parallel to the floor for optimal intensity in the glutes, as you also feel it in arms, chest and shoulders. Take care,...

FitQuick Exercise – Core Twist with a Partner

Use a larger light “stability ball” that’s about 22″ diameter, or as shown here, for more  of a challenge, a weighted exercise ball (we’re using an 8lb ball).  Stand back-to-back, knees bent, and exchange handing off the ball twisting at...

FitQuick Tip – Water

Just four of many reasons to drink water:  It’s great for your skin,  boosts metabolism, hydrates your muscles and benefits weight loss! Take care,...

Nike Free – My favorite Workout Shoe

I’m often asked what kind of workout shoe is best. It truly depends on what your exercise entails and personal preferences are, yet I usually default to the Nike Free. Google it to read up on it. The “free” version of the Nike does not require socks...

Exercise Video Segment – Squat Overhead Combo

This exercise video is for strength and muscle tone. As usual with my videos, you’ll feel a nice heart rate rise as well if done slowly, with purpose and proper form. The Squat part (sitting back on heels, proper back alignment – I always turn sideways so...