Personal Trainer in Harlingen | Rio Grande Valley

Weight Loss and Weight Maintenance

Lean Sirloin with McCormicks “Montreal Steak” seasoning and steamed green beans with “Perfect Pinch” veggie seasoning. Easy and...

Clean Eating Easy Meal

This is a fast, easy meal to prepare that is weight loss friendly. NO ADDED FAT OR SUGAR. Simple grilled salmon (I added McCormicks ‘Montreal Steak’ Grill Mates) Nuked Frozen Brussel Sprouts and used McCormicks Perfect Pinch Veggie flavoring....

DON’T USE THE CRISPER: AKA Rest in Peace “rip” drawer!

Don’t use the crisper or vegetable drawer, EVER. Why? How many times have you put produce in there only to find it DOA when you open the drawer. I’m guilty of this myself. It’s that ‘out of sight out of mind’ thing. Keep produce on a...

No Carb Pasta Dish – Dukan & Any Weight Loss Meal

I had angel hair shiritaki “pasta” and just took what I had in fridge to make a creamy dish: I tossed slightly nuked cream cheese and soy and balsamic in saucepan and stirred till creamy. Then tossed in onion and tomato (its what i had in fridge leftover)...

No Carb Pasta Dish

Shiritaki noodles, made of soy are protein, very low calorie, and a healthy alternative to starch pasta. This is perfect for a Dukan Pure Protein dish. Friendly for weight watchers and ANY no or low carb meal. My easy throw together recipe: Shiritaki Noodles –...