Personal Trainer in Harlingen | Rio Grande Valley

Basic Hamstring Stretch

-Get into runner lunge, top left, -Straighten front leg by raising your bottom up, keeping back as flat as you can, top right -Return back to lunge -Finish by stepping up with back foot and bring forehead to...

Stability Work for Improved Overall Fitness

Stand on one leg while performing body work, i.e. biceps, triceps, shoulders, etc, to add balance and stability work for a more effective segment, improve overall fitness and strengthen ankles and...

Rhubarb Stew (or cobbler)

This Rhubarb stew can be eaten hot or cold alone or with greek yogurt, in muffins or any other dish for added zing. Find Rhubarb at in your produce isle or if lucky, a neighbors yard! Clean and cut into cubes. Put in water just to cover it, bring to boil. Once...