Personal Trainer in Harlingen | Rio Grande Valley

Eating & Weight Loss

Salmon grilled garnished with Pesto. Zucchini and garlic browned in skillet with non stick spray and splash of balsamic vinegar. Dukan Cruise, Weight watchers, Paleo. Healthy and...

Abs Core Toning using a BOSU

Exercise your core and abs doing this segment on the floor or on the BOSU for effective toning. [videojs mp4=”″...

Exercise Video: Fast effective ARMS!

REALLLY feel your arms after this segment, which also gets lats at the finish! Fast and effective one. [videojs mp4=”″...

Dukan Cruise & Weight Watchers

Pam spray, then brown diced garlic, add cut in strips zucchini, saute until tender. Served with simple salmon in convection...

Resistance Band Toning Workout

Tone head to toe standing in place, using various strengths bands, to hit your biceps (photo 1), triceps (2), shoulders (3) and thighs (4). Bands are great for workouts away from...

Nutrition & Weight Loss – Dukan Cruise

Sometimes less expensive then salmon, and a lighter flavor, too, Steelhead trout provides an option. I put in convection oven, 350 for 20 minutes, with diced garlic on top and seasoning. Served with microwave steamed brussels with Mccormick perfect pinch veggie...