Personal Trainer in Harlingen | Rio Grande Valley

Side to Side Lunge

No equipment needed to get started with a leg toning cardio segment that is low impact. [videojs mp4=”″...

Workout for Legs & Arms “Cheerleaders”

This segment I call cheerleaders, named that for the straight, flexed and engaged arm movement you do throughout. You will get a leg workout AND an arm workout. Don’t rest much between sets and you will feel thighs, biceps and triceps burning. [videojs...

Roast Veggies to Love them Again

Not a vegetable fan? Just roast the heck out of them, with Pam Spray and seasoning. 400 oven for an hour (flip half way through) and they caramelize and even kids will...

Legs, Arms, Cardio Video – 2 minutes!

Tone legs and arms using one set of dumbbells while standing in place. You’ll feel your heart climb at same time. [videojs mp4=”″...

Tone arms, core and glutes on all 4’s

Tone your tush, arms and waist on all fours, feeling an effective burn just where you want it. [videojs mp4=”″...