Personal Trainer in Harlingen | Rio Grande Valley

Ski Jumps for power & endurance

For you high impact & HIIT people, here you go. Ski jumps to rock your cardio hard and improve your power and endurance. [videojs mp4=”″...

Tone Arms & Abs sitting on Floor

Tone your arms and abs while sitting on a mat. You will simply extend each leg out forward while crunching your abs as you bring you leg back in toward your body. Effective and easy to execute! [videojs...

Kick Back Lunge

Tone your butt on all 4’s, doing this kick back lunge that also gets your arms! [videojs mp4=”″...

Body Toning: no weights required

No weights required: Quick effective body toning, hits your legs, abs, arms and cardio all at once, in a minute! [videojs mp4=”″...

Side to Side Lunge

No equipment needed to get started with a leg toning cardio segment that is low impact. [videojs mp4=”″...

Weighted Ball Toss Balance

Challenge your balance balancing on one leg while tossing a weight ball hand to hand. Fun to do! [videojs mp4=”″...