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This “porridge” is great for Dukan Diet or any other No Sugar, No Fat weight loss program. You may use Steel cut oats instead of Oat Bran as recommended by Dukan guidelines, depending on which phase. I am in maintenance and love blending steel cut oats with the oat bran, as steel cut are more chewy and hearty.

INGREDIENT OPTIONS (I prefer a non chocolate porridge since it’s mostly for breakfast but unsweetened cocoa works)

Oat Bran (and/or Steel cut oats)
Yogurt non fat greek
Skim Milk
Sugar and Fat Free maple syrup
Goji Berries (or any berry, depending on phase)
Non Sugar sweetener to taste if you don’t use syrup

Fill container with dry ingredients, cover about one half inch with skim milk.
Mix with spoon to get bottom stuff and shake. Add yogurt and rest of ingredients and shake.

Let it sit overnight and soak up all the goodness and enjoy.
