This Rhubarb stew can be eaten hot or cold alone or with greek yogurt, in muffins or any other dish for added zing.
Find Rhubarb at in your produce isle or if lucky, a neighbors yard! Clean and cut into cubes.
Put in water just to cover it, bring to boil. Once boiling, turn to low and let it simmer 2-3 minutes. Less for firmer, more if you like mush. It will get soft FAST..keep an eye on. Drain or add water to your preferred consistency.
I sprinkle mine with a couple tablespoons of Stevia, stir and chill. I had this during my ATTACK phase, and to add something different to the all protein day. A couple of tablespoons of stew are allowed in Phase one, attack.

Fresh Rhubarb

Cut in Cubes to Simmer

After a 2 minute simmer

Ready to serve hot or cold