Personal Trainer in Harlingen | Rio Grande Valley

Rebounders or mini-tramps have been around for many years. The models sold today are a bit bigger and more sturdy then those of days gone by (from what I’ve seen), and the DVD’s that come with it supply a lot of variety (and imagination ala ‘hip hop’ and ‘yoga’) to keep it interesting and fun. They are easy to learn, and easy to store…this model folds up!  The model I am endorsing and show here is the “Urban Rebounder” that I purchased on line.  Email me for details on that. rebounder

I like it for stability and balance work, and the fact it allows you to jump without hard impact. I’m still a fan of hard impact; yet many of my clients have varying reasons why they may need to reduce or eliminate hard impact, and this rebounder is a great alternative.  And fun.

The model I have also comes with workout bands that attach to the sides so you can do arms, shoulders, etc, while standing and/or bouncing. It also comes with a detachable handle bar (shown in the photo above) to hold onto for security and balance, or as a tool when lifting one leg or for sitting and working abs, etc.  Lots of options!!!!  And fun (did I say that already?)

I love the Rebounder for burning calories, jogging without hard impact, twisting and jumping jacks and squats, abs and more. I think it’s effective, beneficial in too many ways to list, (and lots of fun). The DVD’s that come with are a hoot, and great for novice to advanced.

Take care,

