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I wanted a flavor change from my cauliflower pizza crust. AND, I just got a convection oven, and wanted to see how the crust would cook. FEAR NOT THE CONVECTION. Many of my clients were “I don’t get how it works” so they didn’t use it. I was intimidated too, until…I realized how easy it is to use.

Convection is JUST LIKE YOUR REGULAR oven. I got a countertop one (I pinned on it). The difference: IT’S FASTER AND COOKS FOOD MORE EVENLY. Other foods cook fast and brown, etc., but this post is about OAT BRAN CRUST PIZZA! I hijacked this recipe from Dukanitout, one of my fav blogs. LOVE HER! This is her recipe.

I’ll go step by step how I did in photos. I will definitely alternate pizza with this and cauliflower crust.

Ingredients: Packet of Yeast, 1/3 tsp olive oil, salt, 1/4 C oat bran, pam spray, and I used parchment paper. Parchment does NOT burn in my convection. “Flour” your oat bran by putting in coffee grinder, or blender.

Oat Bran Pizza Crust Ingredients

If you have a double boiler, this is the time to use it. I don’t have one, so just boiled water in a saucepan, and use a glass measuring cup to make the dough in, and that glass cup was the inside of my double boiler as I sat it in the water.

DOUGH INSTRUCTIONS: Put dry yeast into 1/4 cup warm water and mix. (Start your boiling water).Over the water, slowly add oil, pinch of salt and mix in your ground oat bran until it becomes a sticky ball. Place in bowl that you spritz with non stick spray, and cover with towel in warm place for hour. It will only rise a little, but will not be sticky in an hour. (truth be told I did 45 min, I was antsy)

Ball of Oat Bran Dough ready to rise

After an hour (ahem) put on board sprinkled with oat bran and roll out to about 7″ or cracker thin. I did about 1/4 inch. Here’s that and photo of it going into my convection oven at 425. I did 10 minutes.

Place on oat bran sprinkles, easy to roll out

At 5 minute mark I spritzed with “pam” olive oil spray

I now spritzed Pam Olive Oil Spray on both sides (again)

Here is the crust after 10 minutes right out of the convection. I’m adding ingredients now, and will continue cooking after adding them.

I pulled crust out and started to add my toppings. Layer of marinara, then THIN layer of low fat pesto, red onions, leftover chicken cut up. and fat free motz cheese.

Halfway through adding toppings. Foreground is marinara with low fat pesto only.

I cranked the convection up to 450 for about 5 minutes, then took it out (I tested a piece of onion and was good to go, chicken browning, cheese melted.

Nice toasty crust, melted fat free cheese, pesto, onion, and marinara. Dukan Friendly! Enjoy this healthy pizza on any weight loss/management program.
