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I had angel hair shiritaki “pasta” and just took what I had in fridge to make a creamy dish:

I tossed slightly nuked cream cheese and soy and balsamic in saucepan and stirred till creamy.
Then tossed in onion and tomato (its what i had in fridge leftover) chicken, rinsed angel hair, let it get hot (took 2 minutes)
Poured in bowl and ate the whole thing. NUM! Pure Proten or Attack Day: REMOVE the tomato!

4 or 5 ounces of fat free cream cheese
1 bag angel hair shiritaki
a few cherry tomatoes
a couple green onions
optional addition: a few piece of leftover HEB precooked bbd chicken
splash of: soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, splash of sugar free maple syrup

For Pure Protein Day, take out tomato. That's it.

For Pure Protein Day, take out tomato. That’s it.

Sauce Pan to Bowl. Five Minutes, tops.

Sauce Pan to Bowl. Five Minutes, tops.
