Many of you use to eat out a lot. Dinner at home can be simple, once you learn some tricks. To save on produce waste, do not buy huge bulk, if fresh veggies are new to you. Instead, get the single serving..fresh made salads, that even come with toppings and dressing....
No need to lose your fitness while at home. Strengthen tone and work those abs while sitting at your computer, during this shelter in place. Enjoy my several hundred short videos at my YouTube channel. Covid-19 Workout At Home Show video Take Care,...
My clients can still enjoy their personal training sessions with extra social distancing. Using the great outdoors reaps many benefits if you can come in person. My SKYPE workouts are still available here:...
workout to my videos or SKYPE live with me since your gym is closed: (rates on link) Strengthen and tone your shoulders using a single weight, with overhead presses: Overhead...