Personal Trainer in Harlingen | Rio Grande Valley

30 Minute Low Carb Meal

Roasted Cauliflower – break up, put on cookie sheet, spray Pam, dry seasoning. 400 oven 30 min. Grilled...

Roast Veggies to Love them Again

Not a vegetable fan? Just roast the heck out of them, with Pam Spray and seasoning. 400 oven for an hour (flip half way through) and they caramelize and even kids will...

Tone arms, core and glutes on all 4’s

Tone your tush, arms and waist on all fours, feeling an effective burn just where you want it. [videojs mp4=”″...

Diet & Fitness New Year Resolutions – DON’T

BEWARE! It’s that time. Infomercial city…for buying “weight loss” exercise programs. DON’T buy into the highly produced, fast paced, enticing sell. IT’S SNAKE OIL. Just put on your walking shoes, and eat...

Nutrition & Weight Loss

Roasted Radishes and Sirloin burger with kraft cheese slice. VERY low carb. Great potato substitute…you’ll feel like you are eating the real...