Personal Trainer in Harlingen | Rio Grande Valley

Zucchini Chips – Choose good over bad snack

Zucchini Chips are satisfying, crunchy, healthy and filling. It is just as easy to make a healthy snack as an unhealthy one. Zucchini cut and sprayed with Pam Spray (or skim milk) Roll in: Oat bran, low fat shredded shredded cheese, dry seasoning of your choice. bake...

GYM vs KITCHEN for weight loss

KITCHEN WINS! Find yourself spending HOURS in the gym working out hard for “weight loss”? Not working? Spend more time in the kitchen, and less time in the gym. A flat stomach happens in the...

Eating & Nutrition – Dukan Diet

Eating healthy is easy and takes minutes. Grilled salmon in countertop convection oven, with Frozen pre grilled egg plant, you pop in skillet to season and...

Homemade Frozen Yogurt

1- 7oz. Cup Greek yogurt 1- 12 oz. bag frozen raspberries 1/3 cup honey or other sweetener 1 square of 60% cacao bittersweet baking chocolate, grated optional Blend all but chocolate in food processor until smooth. Transfer to Tupperware bowl and fold in chocolate....