Skype Fitness Training & FaceTime Virtual Personal Training

What is FaceTime? It’s a feature of Ipad and Iphone devices that allows you to use real time conferencing.
Learn more here.
What clients are saying about fitness training with Skype & FaceTime:
“Hey Margo,
Just wanted to let you know that I’ve been loving your videos since I’ve been here in Chile. For example, today I’m at an observatory in the north of Chile, and the gym and roads are being repaired after some bad rainstorms, so I opted for your videos instead. I was able to get in a good, quick, intense workout, all in my little dorm room. So, from 10,000 feet elevation, in the middle of the Atacama Desert, this can by your un-official, international debut!! Thanks a bunch!!”
-A.P. | Yale University
“I’ve been a fairly good exerciser most of my adult life. Not very consistent in a particular approach, but I generally kept at it in some form or another. Then, a few years ago, I went through a really tough time and one result was that I went into a real exercise slump. Now, my primary goal is to improve the quality of my life – how I feel in my body and about myself. I figure any loss of weight or inches will be a bonus. I’ve learned about myself that personal interaction makes a big difference in my level of success when I’m tackling tough challenges. Finding the right coach is key, and Margo is great. She has a wealth of knowledge and experience, plus she listens and really “gets it> about what I’m looking for. Having Margo come into my home, over Skype, is such a great fit for me and my schedule. It’s amazing how much she can see and pick up, even though she’s not in the room with me! Her workouts are very effective without taking a lot of time. I’ve been working with her for only a few weeks and I am already enjoying the benefits!”
-Sally | Washington State